Monday, July 7, 2008

Brain Candy

Just finished East of the Sun, West of the Mooon, by Johnny Ringo.

Fourth book in the Council War series.

Fun read, pure escapism. Not as good as the first couple, and it was much more focused on a specific mission, as opposed to the big sweeping events of the last three books. Ringo does a good job with his action sequences, and seems to have a firm understanding of midevil training methods. I enjoyed it, but really not that deep of a book.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

the lastest from the library

Constantine's Sword

The Confident Hope of a Miracle

More history. Which is a very good thing.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Germanic History 1300's

Looking for books covering the Germanic States, geographically speaking, in the 1300's.

I canot find anything in English. It is like history starts at WWII for this part of the world.
Can anyone make suggestions for reading for this area?

Friday, June 6, 2008

In memorium Robert Asprin

The Myth books are some of my punny favorite books of high school. As we have lost Robert Apsrin, I am reading them all over again. Laughing in all the same places, and getting more of the jokes that went over my head years ago.

Shogun for July

The group selected Shogun by James Clavell for July. We are skipping June as the wedding is loooming.
